How to break into VC and how to build a founder network – The Wall Street Lab Podcast

Early-stage VCs invest in founders - so far, so obvious. But what does it mean in practice? In this episode of the Wall Street Lab, Andi interviews Srecko Dzecko, GP at Flash Ventures from Berlin, about exactly that.
VC Decision Making
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Srecko Dzeko is a General Partner with Flash Ventures in Berlin, focusing on Europe and Latin America. Prior to joining Flash, he was a Senior Consultant at McKinsey.

During his career, Srecko worked in banking with ANZ and Morgan Stanley, private equity with 3i, and founded his own startup: Simplo, a venture-backed B2B marketplace. Srecko holds degrees in philosophy from the London School of Economics, and business from the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.

In this episode, Srecko talks to us about investing in early-stage companies as a day-zero investor. His investment decision-making criteria, what he looks out for in a startup, and most importantly in a founders team.

We learn how Flash Ventures thinks about deal sourcing by creating a network of exceptional people, even before they even think about founding a company. That is how committed Srecko and Flash ventures are to finding the right founders.

Srecko also gives advice to founders, and people that want to start a career in VC.

Listen to the full episode:

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The Wall Street Lab Podcast

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